Small Law Publisher: Globe Law and Business Ltd.

- Time - Globe Law & Business needed to get from green light to launch quickly.
- Money - They are a small firm with limited resources.
- Reliability - The platform needed to be robust but also rugged enough to work well in widely differing IT environments, reflecting the global nature of their business.
- Performance - The platform needed to be fast and responsive.
- Usability - Their markets vary widely. The platform had to be sophisticated enough to satisfy full-time knowledge workers in large professional service firms but also simple enough to work for users in small, specialist consultancies.
- Flexibility - They needed to experiment with various product configurations in the early days and respond to feedback from their markets.
- Data Maintenance and Updating - With a very small team, the process for uploading new content sets and maintaining existing ones had to be fast and simple.
- Time - CloudPublish enabled them to launch within four months of full-time work beginning.
- Money - They stayed within budget, despite some changes to the spec arising once work had begun.
- Reliability - The platform has been absolutely rock solid, with no unplanned outages.
- Usability - Customers have been delighted with the clean, modern interface, which has been reflected in steadily increasing usage.
- Flexibility - Of all the online research platforms managed over the past 25 years, the CloudPublish platform has proven to be the easiest and fastest to develop products on by a wide margin.
- Data Maintenance - A simple drag-and-drop interface has allowed them to get content live within minutes of the final files becoming available.
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